
Sponsoring Partner

I’m very grateful for the support of my sponsors. Thanks for believing in me. I could not have done it without you. Together we will achieve a lot in future.

Sponsor Logo Helmade


Founded in 2015 by fast living minds with true passion for design and individuality, helmade is here to revolutionize your idea of buying helmets.

Sponsor Logo DentleSmile


DentleSmile is the perfect and affordable solution for gently correcting various misaligned teeth.

Sponsor Logo Mallorca Mietbörse

Mallorca Mietbörse

Mallorca Mietbörse, established in 1997, is a premium real estate agency located in Portixol (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain).

Sponsor Galerie Buchholz

Galerie Buchholz

Galerie Buchholz is an art gallery specializing in international contemporary art with exhibition spaces in Cologne, Berlin and New York City.

Sponsor Logo of Dahlhausen


Dahlhausen Medical Technology is Europe’s largest provider of clinical accessories. With over 2500 different products, Dahlhausen systematically covers the needs of surgery, anesthesia, and care. Dahlhausen Medical Technology is not only a leading specialist dealer, but also a powerful and experienced manufacturer.

Sponsor Logo Lifeextra

Life Extra

Consulting for medical clinics and practices.

Sponsor Logo Beneficial Thinking

Beneficial Thinking

The widely acclaimed Beneficial Thinking method has already inspired thousands of people to live and work more balanced and healthier.

Sponsor Logo Relaxbogen


The RelaxBogen offers an effective relaxation and reduction of muscle pain of the jaw.